International Network
In order to support the internationalization processes, the Association maintains consolidated relationships with foreign bodies and associations aimed at strengthening the spirit of the internationalization of management training.
ASFOR is a:

Member of AACSB International, a global association which brings together over 840 business schools and 1,700 organizations around the world to foster innovation and engagement and to amplify the impact of business education.

Member of EFMD - European Foundation for Management Development, la più importante associazione europea che riunisce Business School, imprese, istituzioni, con l’obiettivo di conferire accreditamenti e sviluppare la formazione manageriale a livello internazionale.

Supporter of the EQUIS European Quality Improvement System project, the quality and accreditation system of management training institutions.

Founding Member of EQUAL European Quality Link , the international network which brings together Associations in various European and non-European countries to develop the culture of management training and support the development of management education, continuous training and also implement accreditation programs for higher education and Masters institutions.

Affiliate Member of ENQA European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, , the Association founded in 2000 which promotes cooperation in the European context in the field of quality assurance. Members of ENQA include national assessment agencies and associations which, like ASFOR, operate in the accreditation of Master's Degrees and Masters.
Manuela Brusoni, ASFOR Adviser and President of the ASFOR Accreditation Committee, is a member of the ENQA Working Group on Excellence, established in 2012. The working group developed the report "The concept of excellence in higher education" two years after its establishment. It can be downloaded from the ENQA website at the following link link.
Manuela Brusoni, ASFOR Adviser and President of the ASFOR Accreditation Committee, is a member of the ENQA Working Group on Excellence, established in 2012. The working group developed the report "The concept of excellence in higher education" two years after its establishment. It can be downloaded from the ENQA website at the following link link.

ASFOR collaborates with the Academy of Management (AOM), which includes various divisions / interest groups which offer members valuable opportunities to discuss and share their experiences. ASFOR, as part of its partnership with AOM, is actively involved in the MED "Management Education and Development Division", whose primary objective is to encourage research on the topic of management training.
Among the various activities, as part of the PDW - Professional Development Workshop, ASFOR has established an award for the best PDW.
Among the various activities, as part of the PDW - Professional Development Workshop, ASFOR has established an award for the best PDW.