APAFORM - ASFOR (Associazione Professionale ASFOR dei Formatori di Management) Professional Association of Management Trainers is a non-profit association promoted by ASFOR in 2013 and registered in the Ministry of Economic Development's list of associations which, pursuant to Law 4/2013, issue a certificate of quality and professional qualification for the services provided by the members.
The foundation of APAFORM has deep roots and satisfies a need which has existed in the country for some time: that of guaranteeing the qualification of management training professionals through a process of qualifying the skills of the individual professional. It has over 350 qualified members.
Other associations deal with the figure of the trainer in a general sense, but in Italy, until the foundation of APAFORM, there was no professional association with the necessary know-how and the essential credibility to highlight - in an impartial manner and following the criteria indicated in the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and the related qualification levels (continuous improvement process) - a specific training competence in the field of management.
The opportunity was provided by Law 4 of January 14, 2013, Provisions regarding non-organized professions, which laid the foundations for the statute of unregulated professions, thanks to which professions without a formal Register were able to emerge from their undefined status and obtain proper recognition for their role.
Italian law has implemented the quality standards required by the European Union, which leave no doubt about the adoption of a Code of Conduct to guarantee users. One of the key points is the adoption of objective criteria for qualifying the role of professionals working in the field of management training and consultancy.
Since 28 December 2015, APAFORM has been registered in the Ministry of Economic Development's list of associations which issue quality and professional qualification certificates for services provided by members, pursuant to Law 4/2013.
Since 2015, the process of evaluating the role of Management Trainers identified and qualified by APAFORM has been conducted through the certification of the professional quality of the services, pursuant to Law 4/2013 (Articles 4, 7 and 8).
For further information see: www.apaform.it